Saturday, July 4, 2009

Day 22

San Juan Islands, WA—The San Juan Islands are at the very northern part of Washington. We went kayaking today and we could see Vancouver Island in Canada! Kayaking was a weird but fun experience at the same time. We had to wear these really awkward skirt things to keep our legs dry, and your arms got really tired after about an hour (we were out there for three). We saw real jellyfish though, and picked them up. They were obviously the non-stinging kind. We saw 80 ft. long kelp, too. I mistook it for a giant water snake at first, but it wasn’t. We also saw Harper Seals, which made very weird noises.

The trip to the island itself took awhile. We caught the 6:20 ferry to the island, and from there a bus to the harbor. We kayaked for three hours, then took the whole thing back again. We were back at around 6:30 maybe, and kind of worn out. Kayaks are very awkward to sit in for three hours.