Saturday, July 11, 2009

Day 29

On the road, IA—Hoorah for the van! Yesterday afternoon the van wouldn’t produce proper air conditioning (it was rather warm) and then it overheated. Mom looked down at the gauge and it was on H for hot instead of the fair and balanced middle. Luckily, having just taken Driver’s Ed, I knew to turn on the heat to draw heat away from the engine. I am Bobbert’s hero. Apparently, all our cooling liquid for the radiator had leaked out slowly in the many weeks Bobbert sat at the RV rental place. We periodically have to refill the cooling liquid reserve tank, because it slowly drains away.

We stayed at a Holiday Inn, and were fascinated by a new and strange contraption the locals call a “television.” iRV had no such device! Held captivated by this bizarre fusion of wires, we spent a long time watching it. It never ceased to amuse us, and Dad and I realized that Cameron Diaz has a VERY obnoxious laugh. Marcy, Joe, and Mom went swimming and then in the morning Mom, Marcy, and Dad went exercising because they are sick animals. It was very humid in Nebraska even in the morning and evening, like somebody was constantly drooling on you.

Now we are on the road again, and we’re going to see JASON and SARA and ERIC in Indiana tonight where we will most likely sleep. We will probably have pictures, and you all will probably be jealous. MUHAHAHA.

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