Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Day 10.2

Grand Canyon, AZ--Here are some more pics from our hike. While you're looking, enjoy this mildly inappropriate tale as told by Marcy.

ALL HAIL KIMOCHAEBI!! (Kimochaebi= KEY-mo-CHAH-bee)
While at a previous birthday party, my friend Lauren Eberly became the Fire God Worshiper known as Kimochaebi. Later, on this trip, we adopted the name Kimochaebi as the Potty God. As we all know, everybody uses the bathroom on a daily basis. These are our “sacrifices” to Kimochaebi, the Potty God. Father Dearest is the “favored one” of Kimochaebi. So remember to visit the Royal Dish daily, or Kimochaebi will smite you!!


  1. Ah, yes, the fire god finds a new outlet as.. the Potty God?? Frankly, my dear Marcy, I am ashamed and slightly horrified at you. For shame! For shame for killing the integrity of the mighty fire god.
    - Susie

  2. It just sort of came. Besides . . . I'm sure the Fire Gods will forgive me when I throw Jonas in our campfire tonight; a very worthy sacrifice!! Just think of how golden brown our marshmellows will be!

