Saturday, June 20, 2009

Day 8

Royal Gorge, CO--We woke up fairly tired today from our hysterics the night before when we arrived at the rest stop. First, Jake sat on our stomachs and we said things in a strained voice like: “My REproduCTive ORGans!!” and such forth. After we had laughed until we cried a good while, we went up into our beds. Now we all know how much Jake is a creeper. So tonight, Jonas and I decided to get a little payback. We were on the top layer (above the driver and passenger seats) in the RV and Jake was beneath us. Jonas and I worked up our creepy high-pitched voices and stared at him from beneath the curtains. It was slightly neurotic. But Jake was thoroughly creepered. After a while Jake made us stop, saying that he was going to have nightmares. Yup, we creepered him gooood! We were taught from the best.

So we woke quite tired but content. We ate breakfast, then started to drive.
Jake and I made up a game where we wave to the cars passing us to see if they will wave back. We do this “game” in the back of the RV, in the “master bedroom”. If somebody fails to wave at us, we say in a Russian accent: “YOU LOSE!”. Luckily, most people waved to us with excited faces. I once put on a really cute face and waved sweetly to one of the drivers like I was six years old. She looked at me, made the ‘OH LOOK HOW CUTE YOU ARE, OH YES!’ and the entire family in the car waved at me. Little did they know I was thirteen. It is fun deceiving people. So now we play that game and sometimes make the cutsie face to occupy our time in the RV.

We were off to Royal Gorge, Colorado to see the site. There was also an authentic outhouse in the Royal Gorge Town. Jonas and I sat and relieved ourselves. Not really, but still. It was pretty awesome. However, some funny things occurred with Jonas. But, you’ll have to wait for HIM to tell you THAT story. ☺