Friday, June 26, 2009

Day 13.1

Sequoia National Park, CA—We arrived at Sequoia after a brief day of driving. Sequoia is famous, of course, for its sequoia trees. These trees can live up to 3,200 years and are impervious to insects and disease. The most common way a sequoia dies is by falling over, and even then they’re around for a while. We passed a fallen sequoia that had tipped over in 1931 and the pieces were still there. The sequoia trees are not as tall as the redwoods, but they are thicker around. We went on a hike to see the tree that broke the world record for tree volume and weight, the William Sherman tree. Apparently, all the great trees are named after presidents or war generals. Anyway, the forest was incredible! It was a couple miles hike, but the sights were worth it. We were surrounded by these gigantic trees. It was awesome. Also, showers here cost FOUR DOLLARS. Isn’t that sick? Yes. Yes it is.

We had a fire, too, and we roasted marshmallows. Mom roasted her marshmallow partially, then stuck a square of chocolate in the middle of it and roasted it the rest of the way. She made one for me, and I said it looked like a toilet, and one thing led to another and now these chocolate marshmallow treats are christened the Dirty Potties. Whenever we wanted another one, we’d say, “I’ll have another Dirty Potty, please.” Heh heh.

1 comment:

  1. Nice creeper laugh at the end, by to the way.

    Dirty Potties sounds like a bad alcoholic beverage. Am I sensing a punch line in another Soap Opera spoof?!
