Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Free At Last

Del Norte Redwoods Coast State Park, CA – Yesterday was the last day of my Masters Program and I can now be unencumbered by the thought process. I took my last finals near Hoover Dam last week, handed in the final copy of my 90 page research paper, and handed in the PowerPoint presentation I had to make about my paper. Yippee! It was only a year-and-a-half but it is nice to finally be done.

I went for a run in the park this morning, about 6 miles. It was very nice running under the canopy of the Redwoods. This forest had been clearcut probably about 100 years ago so there aren't many old Redwoods. There are a lot of really big stumps, however. As I was running, I noticed that most of the old stumps had produced a bunch of young Redwoods that were growing up from their roots, sometimes more than a dozen young trees growing around one stump. It occurred to me that it looked like a group of young gathered around a grandparent or parent's grave, drawing strength and inspiration from those that had gone before them. It was a nice run and no bears or mountain lions.

- Jeff

1 comment:

  1. Jeff, Congrats on the masters. That is a great feeling. Glad you could get it done this summer and hopefully your family did not suffer much for the wear the past several weeks (like an unnamed uncle and his brothers did on a family trip).

