Saturday, June 13, 2009

Western Trip - Day 1

We are somewhere west of Des Moines, Iowa. The pictures on the left are typical scenes from Day 1 (we actually left on Friday evening and stayed overnight near Elyria, Ohio). The sounds of A Prairie Home Companion drift through the car as we are in the tenth hour of being on the road. We hope to make it to Nebraska tonight and find a place with a pool so the kids can get some exercise. I've got to find a place to run (even a treadmill will do) so that I can justify that Mountain Dew I drank while I was driving.

The midwest is way too wide for my liking, no offense meant to midwesterners. The promise of big mountains lurks in our future but right now all we can see are cornfields and relatively flat horizon.

We've just got to make it through one more day of long hours in the minivan before the real fun can begin.


  1. NO OFFENSE TAKEN by us Midwesterners. Thanks for calling as you passed by -- let me know when you're coming back thru and I can meet you at the rest stop!

  2. I also want to thank you Jonas for the phone call. We nearly crossed paths as we were on our way back from Champaign, IL yesterday.

  3. I didn't know Jonas wore glasses. I like the tumbleweed pics!

  4. Jonas just got glasses and almost never wears them. He looks A LOT like me when he does, therefore, avoiding them. He insists he wears them at school. (notice I am not even in the same building at this time)

